Wednesday, January 14, 2009


In early October of last year, S+D Partner Russell Shubin and S+D Senior Architect Alan McLeod traveled to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates to attend the Dubai Cityscape conference. We are currently working with Meraas Development on a number of projects there

and we wanted to attend the unveiling of the mega-development, of which we are a part. Held over four days, the conference exhibits over one thousand booths and is attended by sixty thousand people. The primary focus of the conference is on regional development, design, construction and sales. On the exhibition floor one can be impressed by the sheer volume of proposed development and then understand why model makers and computer renderers around the world had been so busy over the months leading up to the event. While in Dubai they also took time to meet with a number of other developers, explore the newer developments in the area and visit the “old town” and Jumeira (the proposed site of the Meraas Development). While much of Dubai remains a vast construction site, the finished work they saw had good quality workmanship looking past the often questionable style/aesthetic of the buildings.

This is the Burj Dubai which is expected to be the world’s tallest tower when it is completed in September this year. Its final height remains a secret in order to stave off competition, but it is suggested that it will top off at 818 m (2,684 ft). Miraculously, one floor is built once every four days. In the foreground you can see Dubai’s new rapid rail system ready for use.

A scale model of the Jumeira Gardens development that we are currently designing beachside villas for under Meraas Development.

Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Makthoum, the Crown Prince of Dubai (in yellow) and his entourage as they view the Jumeira Gardens model.

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